Does the surroundings make a radical difference to how you relate to your escort in Wigan? Or in fact anywhere where two people are getting it together. To what extent does the very environment they find themselves in add that extra frisson to the proceedings? Taken to extremes it certainly makes you think of the Mile High Club, the two of you slipping into the loo on a long haul flight when you think nobody is looking, it has to be in-flight and not on the ground remember; any form of airborne sexual hanky panky qualifies, and lo and behold you are a member of the Mile High Club.
Current statistics say that as many as 15% of travelers have already joined!! You can be certain that if you ask one of the Wigan escorts she will certainly have taken part in this special kind of diversion the last time she was off on some executive level R & R. If international flight can’t be immediately added to your agenda, then equally stimulating can be some open air antics. There are many aficionados of this outdoor activity and dogging is an even further extension of the desire to let the surroundings add an edge to what’s happening.
Closer to home and the more regular date with one of the escorts in Wigan, there is no need to be limited by convention and stick to the bed as your playground; the bath, the shower, the arm chair, the table, the desk, the floor, let your passion lead you to considering the whole of your space as one that can be utilised with a little imagination into becoming the perfect place to play.
Taking your beautiful companion on a dinner date makes simple flirtation a must and then as things get more intense how easy it is for hands to slip beneath the table and explore a little on their own…..all the while maintaining a suitably normal expression for the sake of propriety of course! Your horizons are only limited by the breadth of your imagination and when you chat to one of the escorts in Wigan you will soon discover that she has some intriguing ideas about subjects such as this. Cute and sassy, these girls are full of fun and it could be up to the two of you to discover how you want to inject some pizzazz into your date!!